Saturday, January 4, 2020

I'm going vegan...again!

Welcome back.  I am trying my best to make this a priority, so here's to trying again.

What's going on with me:

I am recently back from a vacation back in the United States over the holiday period.  It probably goes without saying that my partner and I have put on a few pounds over this festive period.  Being back in my home country made me vulnerable to the foods that I can no longer acquire in the United Kingdom and I found myself indulging in things I don't typically like simply because I can't get them in the U.K.
Not only that, the last few months have been a bit chaotic with myself finishing my bachelors degree and my partner starting postgraduate education.  We didn't always have the time or energy to ensure that we were eating well.  It was all about convenience and very little thought was put into what we ate.  Most nights we would eat a takeaway and feel disgusting after, yet we did this almost every night.

Cut back to today.  We decided that we were going to participate in Veganuary to give our bodies some much needed nutritional therapy and challenge our way of cooking and eating in our house.  I know that this blog in the past has been run as a vegan recipe blog, but I have not always been a strict vegan.  I typically eat vegan for about three months and then add a little bit of meat into my diet every now and again.  If you are crazy about labels, I guess you would call me a flexitarian.  But the term isn't important to me.  What is important is that I am feeding my family delicious food that doesn't break the bank.  I like to make vegan food and then I like to share it with you, the audience.

We started Veganuary early to jump straight back into the groove the moment we landed back in the U.K., so keep an eye out for new recipes in the coming month!